Friday 16 May 2008

Tomb Rider

Some people from my programme get together every Friday for drinks. I used to join them in the beginning but then I realised that the last thing I needed on a Friday night was more teacher trainee talk and then I found Rush Hour Blues and so I started going there instead. But this week was José’s birthday, and he’s got a job, and he wanted to celebrate, and José’s soft and warm and gives big bearish hugs (so that no one thinks that my decision was completely selfless) and so I decided to go for a drink with them.
It started with… trainee teacher talk but they reassured me saying that it would only go on for half an hour and then stop – in a get-it-out-of-your-system spirit. But then two hours later it was still going on and quite frankly, I found that I couldn’t really relate. Maybe I’m really lucky, but I have nothing to whine about (if not excessive amounts of work). And I’m definitely not looking forward to the end of my placement (if you don’t count looking forward to the last two weeks where there will be no more paperwork, just teaching and when I actually might finally have time and energy to finally just enjoy it). When I think about saying goodbye to all them little buggers, I get really, really sad. It could be that I’m weird – it could be that it really is a vocation.
But hey, today was a good day. My Vile Year 9 were well, themselves, but we have our own dynamics by now and I’m enjoying working with them again. My Fast Track Year 9 were well, themselves, their own wonderful selves. And apparently I look like Lara Croft – which coming from a 14 years old is a huge compliment. Even if no matter which way I turn and from what angle I look at myself I somehow fail to see the resemblance.

1 comment:

megan said...

hey! just wanted you to know i enjoy reading your blog! have a great week...