Sunday 4 May 2008

Others would boast about it, I will simply say

My uni tutor came to observe me on Friday and it went great. Apparently ‘I have made extensive progress since I started’, and ‘I’m as good as a PGCE student could possibly get’. I should be proud of myself and quite confident about the future, especially since ‘I’m a very strong candidate’ and ‘a school that gets me will be very lucky’.
Well, the problem is that the application I’ve sent off a week ago didn’t even get me an interview. I sincerely do not understand why, considering the above – I mean, if they didn’t want an NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher) why did they send the advert to my tutor so that she would give it to us? I would understand if they didn’t think I would fit in, but how could they know it before actually meeting me?
Oh well. I’m sending another two applications off on Tuesday and I’m not particularly worried about finding a job, not just yet at least.
I have however realised that if I don’t get employed as of 1st of July, my trips to Poland and France will be a no-no – the summer will be ‘teeth-in-the-wall’ and temping away. Unless a series of miracle translations happens.
Well, what can I say – let us pray.

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