Thursday 13 March 2008

Miss, miss, that's not right!

Year 7 German. (Year 7 is the first year of secondary school here, they are around 11-12 years old). We’ve been reviewing numbers and they were learning to give me their telephone numbers. At one point, I count down from 5 to 1, which is a signal for them that they have 5 seconds to finish their conversations and be silent. I get to one, silence falls. And then this little bugger goes: “Miss, miss, that’s not right, now that we know ‘nul’ you should be counting down to zero!”
Gave him two bravo stamps for that.
Made my day, little bugger.
Otherwise, I go from being high on teaching, to I totally suck, through various stages of content and discontent plus usually a stage of ‘I can’t take anymore, I’m too tired’ something like 5 times a day. It can’t possibly be sane.

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