Friday 28 March 2008

Aix en vacances

Travelling to places you used to belong to is a messy business. On one hand, you’re thrilled to see all the people and places you have been missing so much, but on the other hand you’re disheartened by the realisation that they are moving on without you, and, even worse, regardless of you.
I found my map of Aix unchanged and changed in the same time. I had a coffee on Cours Mirabeau in Belle Epoque with their rude waiters. I went to Papeterie Michel and felt the same urge to buy most of their stocks. I drove past my old boulangerie and the park where I used to jog. And I missed them not being mine anymore.
But what really got me was talking to my adoptive grandparents over home made dinner and explaining how I was subscribed to Iceland and the local Chinese, which made me think about cooking in my little kitchen corner at Roc Fleuri. It made me really want my life back.
I still think that leaving was the right thing to do. I have a constant mantra in my head, listing reasons why. But I had a great life here. Which makes me think, that what I really need to do, is get a proper life back in Brum.
But for now, I’ll put on my red shoes and dance the blues.

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