Monday, 6 October 2008

On swearing in the classroom

I said ‘shit’ in the classroom and I sincerely hope that you can’t get sacked for that.
It was the last lesson of the day, and just after I had texted Paul saying that if the last lot I had today was to be half as bad (rude, disruptive, disrespectful) as the four I had before, I was going to cry.
It was much worse.
And so I said ‘shit’.
I said: ‘Why would I care how you feel if you don’t care how your behaviour makes me feel and you obviously don’t give a shit?’
‘Did she say the S WORD???!!!’
‘Did she actually say S-H-I-T?’
‘Miss, you can’t swear!’
‘I will tell that you swore in the classroom!’
Sure you will sweetheart. Cause you’re dumb enough to hope it will get you out of the detention. And cause you’re petty enough to want to get back at me for that detention, even if you’ve deserved every single minute of it and even more, and you know it.
I hate supply teaching. I really do.
But I have to do it for now, so I will light some candles, pour myself a glass of wine and think happy thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I sympathise - I used to be a teacher, taught in Wolverhampton, Andover and Winchester,then had a drastic change of career!
At least those kids will always remember you! I've let slip some shockers too. I remember telling some kids once if they didn't turn up for their dress rehearsal, they would need their death certificates to prove why they couldn't be there - they thought it was hilarious (but they all turned up).
Hope today is easier.

Anna said...

I think I'd rather they remembered me for other things than swearing but I guess there is not much hope for that as long as I'm in supply.
Today is much better, thank you, mainly because I'm home - and I hope that if I didn't get sent anywhere it is because less teachers are off sick and not because of that unfortunate 'shit'.
I loved the death certificates story, nice one!
Why the drastic change of career? I hope it wasn't because the little monsters had had the better of you!

megan said...

oh my. sorry the day was so rotten for you. :)

Tasha Antonia Hoover said...

haha! I think it's funny that you said "shit." ha! I can't believe they are such tattletales! that post made me laugh...

Anna said...

Well, if he did tell, then no one believed him or if they did, they found me justified (neither of which would really be surprising, as he must have had a solid reputation).
In any case - they wanted me back in that school afterwards, so I got away with it.