Monday 5 January 2009

Update: in brief

I’m back! Sorry for the silence, limited internet access, lots to see and lots to do, catching up with people and places and so on – some stories to tell, I will try to include them as I go, but for now – in brief:
The holiday was amazing, although tiring as lots to see and lots to do etc.
Haven’t unfortunately managed to see everyone and those I did see I did not see enough of, a firm decision has been made that in the summer we’ll plan more than one day in Warsaw – a week preferably.
Paul met Mother and didn’t flee, which does prove something as those who also met Mother will undoubtedly easily understand. Especially since Mother really, really loved Paul. So did everyone actually. There were moments where I was worried that his ego might be slightly too flattered for his own good. But I have to admit that he absolutely deserved each and every one of the compliments bestowed on him.
Some stuff to process for me – after all I’ve spent more than 10 days with Parents – but I have to say that they surprised me in an unexpectedly positive way. To a certain extent at least.
And finally, first day at my new school today. The department seems great, all welcoming and helpful. The kids are kids, some are lovely some are horrid, two groups already are competing for the name of the Vile Year X, one year 11 and one year 9, but the year 9 is leading as for now. I’ve managed to go to a wrong classroom once and forget I had a lesson once, not too bad for the first day, but I was told not to worry about it. Hence so far so good.
So it’s back to sitting plans and lesson planning. Oh well, every holiday has its end!

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