Sunday 20 April 2008


Following my firm decision to have a life, I went out last night. I met up with Rory and Dave (met via Carina) for a couple of drinks. We went to a rock place, which seemed like a good idea, I mean, there’s nothing like a good rock place, but then I found myself downing two pints while praying that I would not go deaf and making Herculean efforts to keep a conversation, which consisted of us shouting into each other’s ears and stretching our necks to hear what others were saying.
And this morning I woke up with a huge headache and ringing in my right ear.
I don’t know, maybe I’m getting old, but this was not fun. I mean, it was lovely to see them, and they are very interesting people that I definitely want to keep in touch with, but why couldn’t we have went to a calm pub and actually have a proper conversation in an environment that did not impede any attempt on communicating? Oh well.

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