Unfortunately, The One Up There (also known as TOUT, the ones among you speaking French will appreciate the implications of the acronym) had decided otherwise.
The Friday Rush Hour Blues has as much to do with jazz as I have with molecular biology. The guitarist looked as if he was in a carefully maintained state of suffering for his art, which could be explained – at least to some extent – by the fact that his guitar was something like two sizes too big for him. Must have been heavy, bless the poor little lad. Michael and Bill (Shakespeare, no, I’m not kidding), two nice gentleman befriended at the Symphony Hall over discussing the fairness of saving seats for others and promises to keep an eye on their walking sticks, retreated gracefully in the middle of a piece and half way through their pints claiming that they’d had ‘enough of that’.
Afterwards I was supposed to go for a curry with a Potentially Shaggable Friend of a Friend but the said PSFF cancelled on me because of stomach problems. So I went home, not so much disappointed as glad I could go to bed. At 8 pm. How sad is that.
Yet, once home, I was faced with Tone (my flatmate and landlord) and a visiting friend of his in a very advanced state of drunkenness – they were very cute in it, bless them, if you don’t count the visiting friend peeing all over the downstairs loo and insisting on sleeping in my bed (‘I will knock on your door when we come back’). He didn’t (from what I understood he met some bird when they were out and didn’t sleep here at all) so I did get a good night’s sleep but once again – how sad is that: there was a part of me that was sort of disappointed.
Then, to crown my sorry attempts on having a life this weekend, I overslept for ski jumping.
And now it’s time to start working again. Oh well.
But before I do – here’s the highlight of last night:
said Naomi about her carefully assembled Kinder Surprise toy shark.
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