Wednesday 10 December 2008

On Wednesdays

If you want my opinion, Wednesday is the worst day of the week. The energy you had after a restful weekend is gone, and when your weekend wasn’t restful – as it was the case for me, sleepless in Brum for three nights in a row without a reason really – it is even worse. And there’s still more time to crawl through until next weekend than has elapsed since the last one. So on Wednesday mornings the world is not a friendly place, and all I want is to stay in bed and feel sorry for myself. Which usually means I do stay in bed longer than I should, and then I have to rush my way out, which only adds to the horrible Wednesday feeling, cause I hate rushing, especially in the morning.
But Wednesday is also the day when my Year 7 group has their Citizenship lesson in the classroom opposite mine. And once the bell goes, they spill out into the corridor and peek into my room saying: ‘Hi German teacher!’, ‘Safe Miss!’ and ‘I can’t wait till tomorrow’s lesson Miss!’ and my heart grows and I realise that actually it is after lunch so the next weekend is closer than the previous one already and I can’t wait till tomorrow’s lesson either, cause we always have loads of fun. And there goes the Wednesday feeling, cause suddenly it is almost Friday and there are cool things ahead.

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