Thursday, 31 January 2008

Here we go again

When I lived in France, I used to have a blog. I found it to be a fun way of keeping all my friends, scattered around the world as they are, updated on what's going on in my life and in my head. It was, until I realised that hardly anyone was reading it at all.
As I moved to Brum, I thought of starting a new blog, but somehow never did. But then, my trip to France in December made me understand that regardless of how often I'll get to see you all, I will never have the opportunity to tell you all of the funny, sad, touching, crazy stories of my life here, there will just never be time and I will be so eager to find out about what is going on with you that I will not even mind, until back here and wishing I had had the time to tell you.
So here we go again - I don't know how often I will manage to post updates considering how hectic my life is, but I will do the best I can. But please, please do comment every once in a while, just so that I know that all those things actually get told rather then roam aimlessly in the cyberspace.